Saturday, May 30, 2009

And we have lift off!

Swahili: Asante
def: Thank You!

A huge thanks to the Blackhawk Presbytery who has donated $1,250 towards my fund raising goal of $9,000 with a promise that they will match your donations dollar for dollar up to $3,000 more. Words cannot express my gratitude. Kenya, we have lift off.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

For Starters...

Welcome to my blog documenting my year in Nairobi, Kenya. Thanks for taking an interest in my adventure.

In anticipation of many questions regarding this off-beat trajectory, an interview with myself:

Deanna, this seems so crazy! How are you getting to go to Kenya?

Good question, self, but it's not as crazy as you might think. I heard about the Young Adult Volunteer Program while I was in high school, and thought it would be a great mix of connecting to my Presbyterian roots in service, while also discerning my Presbyterian and social work future. The program places young adults in five different countries, and placements within the U.S. in service positions. There is focus on community with the other volunteers and becoming community where we all are placed. Throughout the year, support is filtered through churches where we are serving, knowledgeable site coordinators, host /adopted families, and work communities.

Ok, but you could have gone many places. Why Kenya?

All prospective volunteers (around 40 of us) gathered for one weekend in Louisville and discerned and discerned over the different countries. I felt most connected to and challenged by the Kenya placements, and living conditions. The Kenya program felt the same about me...and here we are. That said, I have never been to Africa, much less Kenya, and am now ferociously devouring books and movies and random Kiswahili vocabulary. Not knowing is some of the appeal because I believe I have the most growing to do in my knowledge of this part of the world.

When do you leave and come back?

September 1st- August '10.

Then what?

Ah, you are getting ahead of yourself. Stay tuned. Ok, possibly an MSW/MDiv combo somewhere. I'm not going to kid you.

So what will you be doing?

That is a big T-B-D right now. I'm preferencing work with women in a domestic violence shelter, as I would like to focus on women's groups and issues in my social work practice later on in life, and believe the experience there would be invaluable in comparison. Other cool things would be possibly traveling around the country and writing for Church World Service's newsletter, maybe working on the Sudan/Kenya border with refugees, or maybe doing some other work with organizations working on Christian/Muslim relations. A lot of BE-ing in Kenya and seeing where it takes me...and DO-ing that.

Well this sounds nice, but how are you going to pay for all this?

Ah, you are right. It is a sweet experience with a price. I'm hoping that people will support me with their prayers, love, letters, good vibes, and financial support. I hope they follow my blog, and connect to the cause with a commitment going into my online account. I am open and available to come speak about my experience to your group or church community upon return.

Thank you for taking an interest. Stay tuned!